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The Time Translator

Writer: The NexialistThe Nexialist

You know as an inventor it becomes easy over time to lose the significance of one's inventions. I have found that it is rare to find people who share one's own interest or interpretation of this significance.

And I don't know about other inventors, but it can have a profound effect on how one views the value of one's work.

I know you'll say you have to believe in one's self and work and that is all well and true. But over time life wears you down. And you should be. We all need the humility created by the grindstone of existence. But it makes you forget just how good something really is.

And to say that it will replace how we tell time is quite the grandeur statement I know...but at will.

But it won't if I take the eye off the ball. You see there is a madness in the land and I see it in everyone. It's the Nemesis Program installed in us all. The Rev. Mark S. Lemon knows it quite well. He is the first to bring it to my attention.

It's the self sabotage program we all have hidden inside us.

It's what has us kill our best relationships. It kills our dreams. It takes us out in ways we don't even consciously see. It's in us like water to fish. Unknowable.

What does this have to do with the Time Translator?

There is a way to program it that eliminates the Nemesis Program within you.

First you have to program your birth chart into the 9th outer lifetime zodiac ring on the Time Translator. It's the purple ring.

This is your energetic configuration. Then you identify the 5 power points on your chart. Some astrologer knows this knowledge, I don't so we have to find that person.

There is interference happening to this transmission. I'll check in later. <end of transmission>


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