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230820 2 The Set Up: Courage @ Terms (Part 2)

Writer: The NexialistThe Nexialist

This map acts as a prompt sequence like with Chat gpt only I'm the Natural Intelligence. I have found that while chap gpt can save me much in time to explain the simpler aspects of this conceptual configuration system, it misses the nuances that only 25 years of playing in this realm can give you.

And while I may not know just how this is going to turn out, when I let the story unfold through me to explain the map, I find I gain insights I didn't have before.

So the maps can help all of us, if used in this way, to uncover our own individual processes. I did not expect that when I made the 6 maps that have this configuration.

Because I've been on a journey. And this journey is my story of spiritual questing to make sense of thus world and my own place in it.

In some ways to find the agreement terms I can live with. You see we are born into this world into an agreement from the get go that we had no choice over. The birth certificate. And from what I can understand this is the beginning of the straw man enslaving process that most of us never learn or truly understand.

It is one of the many hidden agreements that run our lives that we are completely ignorant of. If you look at your driver's license and see that your name is in all UPPER CASE LETTERS. This is the evidence of it. That name is not you. You are the physical you that breathes. That is the fictional straw man that exists within their legal system as you.

So when a cop asks for your driver's license and asks is this you? They are asking about the fictional character. When you answer yes they jow have joindure which gives them jurisdiction over you.

So in terms of agreements, we are in agreements we do not even know about. You may say that's just the way the world is, why fight it?

Everything in your life is based upon the agreements you have, either known or unknown. With governments, with churches, with parents, with Scholls, with friends and everyone you come in contact with.

How conscious are you of them Will have a bigger effect on your life.

A big part of life is keeping your word. Your word is your bond. It is your ability to make an agreement and to keep the agreement. Most things that go bad in someone's life can be attributed to agreements they don't keep.

Your integrity is connected to how well you keep to the agreements made from your value system.

So knowing or identifying the rights terms of the agreement is huge.

By designing all these tools and an actual values based ethical business system it became quite clear that whatever the agreements were to use the system and tools was pretty important. It couldn't be to be in my favor. It had to be a fair balanced system for all. It wasn't designed for just me to make a living.

And that's been the big block. Who am I to write the terms for this idea? What do I know about real business agreements?

I knew one thing I didn't want to make a mistake because I was desperate or broke and needed the money so I'd agree to something just to make ends meet.

I once went to a game manufacturer someone introduced me to. He said he would build the whole thing and I wouldn't pay a cent for it. But he would own the technology! What a deal man. Now that's the mentality of so many 'business people'.

They are crooks.

They just want to find the best advantage for themselves.

And that's why the world is the way it is.

We need an honest supportive infrastructure that is there to help all the people in the Shared Knowledge Community.

And the major distinct boundary is between members, allies, and customers.

So the agreement that all members share is different than with allies and customers. And what if you don't know who the people are yet because you haven't created to right agreement?

So in my mind, all the tools of the New Paradigm Toolkit as well as the Inflow Matrix Operating System are available to the members of the Shared Knowledge Community at a very different cost than to allies or members.

There are benefits to being a member. And part of my contribution as an originator is to share my knowledge freely with the whole community.

And at some point I thought everyone i knew was a member. Then I thought all were allies. Then I thought they had to start as a customer. So you can see I had a few problems with how to start this whole thing. So I waited. I waited forged next map. The next scenario to play out. Because the knowledge gaps were filled through experiences with people. But when I thought I knew, I was always proven wrong.


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