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2308 18 2 The Set Up: Becoming the Dealmaker (part 1)

Writer: The NexialistThe Nexialist

While back I was doing a session with a client where we were focusing on his ability to negotiate. He had a pattern of 'giving away the farm'. He always put the other first.

We did a 1 hr session on transforming his relationship with the negotiation convo. We created a new 'spell' for him to use in all his negotiations.

I ran into him years later and he said that session changed his life. He had a job paying him $250,000 a year (he was always broke before) and he had acquired 55 acres of land at a beautiful part of the country.

I saw there was great power and leverage in little adjustments to our internal operating system.

I will share today about a more sophisticated mind map that will focus on the negotiation convo that I will use to bring this work into the world. I need to move from a dedicated researcher to an eccentric entrepreneur.

Over the years I have been extremely hesitant to make any real agreements with anyone regarding this work. I knew that down the road I didn't want any old contracts to get in the way of a totally new way of doing business within and through a Shared Knowledge Community.

I didn't know what the right way was, so I abstained from making any agreements so I wouldn't make a mistake too early in the enterprise.

This of course hindered me from obtaining any funding or partnerships that would have greatly assisted my own personal situation as well as supporting the building of prototypes and paying for such trivialities such as food.

I have seen from a distance how start ups may give away large pieces of their company for small amounts of money just to have enough to survive. And the money suppliers were sharks, taking advantage of the people who have invested everything they have just to make ends meet.

So for over 25 years I've kept the purity of the idea by having such a strategy. Now most could or would not would live the way I have. I've been homeless several times, and living out of a van others, and living on the kindness of strangers or friends or lovers at others. I've found ways to exchange labour for room and board as well as being paid quite well for my services.

All the time I kept my commitment to the vision and worked everyday, no matter the conditions, on forwarding the endeavor forward in some way.

The coffee shop became my office, and there was always one beautiful space in each town or city I found myself in. I liked moving about and meeting new folks and the coffee shop was about the only place you could do this. A nice extra hot mocha, a good smoke of the herb and I was good to go for about 4 to 5 hours of concentrated mapping.

What does all this have to do with transforming my ability to negotiate you might ask?

Well I found myself living a certain lifestyle that might defy anyone's logic. I found a routine that worked to enter a creative zone that started to output high end maps everyday. I invented a way of combining concepts into mind maps that I have not seen anywhere else. And they all connect into one whole system called the Inflow Matrix.

But the problem is it operates at such a conceptual complexity, no one can understand the maps it seems. It is color coded, contains multiple time cycles, multiple levels, multiple layers, multiple perspectives and fits on sacred geometry. It works with circles rather than boxes.

It's very unique and I sense it could be one of the most advanced information systems on the planet. But again, I'm the only one who understands it...apart from the few people I've taught some parts to.

And of course it's not finished and might never be. It's probably going to be a new branch of science...internal holistic knowledge structures might be the category.

But I've left out a pretty important part. Most people think I'm crazy. And from the outside looking in, I'd agree with them. But from the inside looking out, I think I'm sane and everyone else is crazy.

You see I have a bit of a strange sense of humour. I believe I'm the main character in a comedy web TV show called the Very Secret Plan. I'm a pi-rate wizard who thinks he has a plan to transform the world's economic system from a fear based old paradigm to love based new paradigm.

And I dress kind of different. I wear an Arab looking outfit on my head when I'm in public. It's like one material over my head with another wrapped around like a bandana and unless it's too hot, a brown wizard's cloak.

Now in a movie or web TV show characters are characters and accepted for who they are. But to do so in public in Canada is pretty much social heresy. Pretty much everyone thinks you are 100% nutball...but the funny thing is they just ignore you.

But in terms of associating credibility to the work you are doing, it lowers it to about zero.

Now you might ask why would I sabotage myself to such a degree if I have invented an information that is do advanced?

And that would be a very good question. You see years ago..I think it might have been just after 911, I lost my faith and belief in any governing body on this world.

As soon as 911 happened I knew it was a scam. It was so obvious. It was physically impossible for the towers to implode on themselves by planes hitting at the top.

But to my amazement everybody bought into it.

I sent an email the next day telling everyone I knew it was a scam. BIG mistake.

I pretty much lost all my friends that day.

That was the beginning of me losing a shared meaning matrix with the world.

I think that's why I've worked so diligently on what I have. The world made no sense to me so I had to figure a way for it to make sense.

So what happened was I became a bigger Outsider that day than I already felt which I did all my life.

And like any good anomaly should, I needed to dress the part to show the world that I was no longer a part of it. Perhaps it was that I loved the story of Lawrence of Arabia. His book the 7 Pillars of wisdom is one of the most brilliant I've ever read (strong suggestion to read it).

He did something no one has ever done. He united a people that were not his own, to free themselves from the bandage of a terrible oppressor. In my wildest dreams I wished to do the same thing. Justice has been a foundational running theme my entire life.

Wizard's are very unique as an Archetype. They stick out when they are in public. I've met only a few others that dress their part all the time. I thought they were crazy too. But when I spoke with them I found them to be brilliant.

It takes great courage to dress how you really want to dress. The greatest fear most humans face is fear of criticism from others. From sticking out of the crowd.

Now a punker may say they don't have that fear but ask them to wear clothes like a preppie would and still hang with their group and they would never do so.

We dress to be identified with the social group we most identify with.

Wizard's don't identify with being human. I don't feel part of this species.

So I dress like I want...which is unique.

And it's a message to everyone around me. A wizard is in town.

We are messengers for the new world. The priests killed all the wizard's long ago and have made the world the way it is, almost unliveable.

To create the world we need to actually survive as a species, means a major transformation of every aspect of our lives...thus the need for the wizards to return.

But a wizard doesn't jump into the fray and starting blasting away. They do painstaking research into the problems and look to find long term remedies rather than short term fixes. I feel I've been doing research all my life and if you ask anyone who knows me they will attest to the face I'm always 'working on it'.

But in my own time and in my own way.

But what dressing strangely does is to keep away those that would judge you harshly, and it attracts those who still have curiosity.

Other anomalies. Other people who share your views and insights into the world. And there are quite a few of them about that you can meet in coffee shops. And over time you meet them all and find the ones you connect with.

Most of them live a simple lifestyle, some may be homeless. Some may live in the forest.

And like me they rejected or were rejected by society and each has a unique value or gift that not many know about. All you have to be is curious and open and harmless...and they share stories and knowledge you will hear nowhere else.

One of my jobs has been to find such anomalies for they hold the keys to our species future. And spending time with them has been one of the great joys of my life.

And you don't charge them to spend time and listen to their hardships. They don't charge you for their time to give you a great insight.

You exchange gifts. You give rather than take.

People are so used to only giving their best time when they are paid. We are used to charging one another. Getting paid by the hour to do things we wouldn't do unless paid.

Wizard's work for the Creator.

You have a mission to accomplish and no one pays you to do it.

Along the way you help those who you see needing help. You don't charge them. You gift them your time and knowledge and listening.

And the universe gifts you back. You never know how or when. But it creates a precarious lifestyle.

And because most people don't live this way, they don't understand it and can take advantage of your kindness. I lived with a woman once who paid a therapist 150$ an hour weekly. She found she had better experiences talking with me. She stopped her therapy but was so cheap she wouldn't even get me a mocha.

Now if I had negotiated with her ahead of time and said OK it's going to be 100$ an hour every time you want to talk with me how do you think that would go over?

I have found you can change a core belief in one conversation without the other even knowing it. You can reframe a perspective so you never get the same recurring problem.

That has tremendous value.

But you never know when or how it will happen. It just does naturally.

But it wouldn't if you said it's going to cost you 100$ for the next hour to talk to me and your greatest block is going to be removed.

Now you can do that. If people know you are a miracle worker.

But if you look just doesn't happen. I'm hoping with the right exposure that people might see me in a different light, but even those who know what you can keep silent about it. Their fear of being too associated with a known disturber of the peace keeps them at a distance. No matter how much you might have taught or healed them.

So over the years there is such a strangeness in how I have lived that to carve out a way to make a living has not been an easy one.

I am holding so much intellectual capital and prototypes that have tremendous value but all in the hands of a crazy person.

I recently have worn suit jackets and rarely wear the headdress and speak in a very neutral way and don't mention any politics.

To prove to myself and those around me that I can come across professionally.

And it works.

But then at night I put on a pirate hat and carry a nerf gun and ride around on a small bike. And I'm amazed by the amount of stares and the thumbs up.

It's just a character. It's just for fun.

But when I'm playing being normal that's a character to.

And a character that bores me to tears.

But I need to get the work into the world and unless my Captain Sweep...that's my pirate wizard's name has a huge social media following...which he doesn't....I'm going to have to be dull business guy some of the time.

Unless this story gets out to a wider audience.

We still haven't got to how the map will work yet.

And I see that to truly transform my ability to negotiate and to find the courage to do so I have to understand where I have come from and why I have been so scared to make any real agreements and why others have been scared to make agreements with me!

We haven't even begun to talk about what I have to sell that has value to people. Or what I have learned in all my adventures and over 20,000 hours of conceptual mapping.

For I truly found treasure but its only until the advent of artificial intelligence that the true value of what has come through me is apparent. It's much too complex for must humans to understand. But it's a piece of cake for artificial intelligence.

And once fed into it in the right way, a trillion dollar software program is waiting to be born.

Now that's the true crux of this. How can we use AI to help the people better their lives is the big question?

And how can it be used in a wise way to we don't get into any Terminator scenarios?

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