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1 The Start: It All Starts With Identifying the Right Problem to Remedy

Writer: The NexialistThe Nexialist

What is a true remedy? What is a true solution that helps the most people? In a world propagated by continual lies, how can one come to an answer when you are surrounded by illusion?
Every spiritual master, whether Osho or Krishnamurti or Gurdjieff speaks of the asleepness of our condition. Not only do we fall for the lies of our cultural conditioning, but worse than that, we fall for our own self deception. We can't see our own shadow. We can't accept our own flaws.
So how can a real remedy be initiated unless we have the blinding clarity formulated by possibility management to see through the illusion? For if we don't start there, we don't have a chance.
And that means slaying the sacred cows. It means removing the continual deceptive powers of nearly everyone in a position of institutionalized power. They all maintain their salaries by enforcing the collective shadow of oppression upon the species.
It's so obvious now that nearly anyone can see it. But most will not address their own illusions so they let it slide. We are a blinded species. We are at the end of the rope so to speak. We are at the juncture of the crossroads.
So the start of the remedy is having the clarity of an illuminated mind, which is Awakening as you read this. You have it within you. We all do. But you have to get past the fear that comes with knowing what happens when you actually speak your truth. You become a troublemaker. A complainer. An apple cart tosser. A son of a bitch outcast.
To cast out illusion is a massive endeavor. And it's frightening to imagine what will show up when you actually do it. What massive changes are going to take place?
Which dragon will you slay?
What beliefs will be dissolved?
Can you face this cold world alone?
To do so you need to know that you have an accurate mental model to replace the bullshit of your previous thinking. And you also have to have the self-discipline to adhere to this mental model.
Because the mind needs a structure. It needs boundaries and limits, but the previous illusions are all false ones. You need real ones.
The mind cannot exist in emptiness and unless you are going to be a full time Buddha, you need a structure that is going to make logical sense and can be applied to all the different contexts that you will face.
That is where the real remedies come from. You need an accurate assessment of reality so you can formulate the right configuration.
That comes from having the right mental model.
Do you have one? My guess is no. Have you spent anytime configuring your own internal conceptual world? My guess is no.
That is the department of philosophers, game designers and info system architects. How many of them use sacred geometry as the baseline for their mental structures? My guess is few.
Most have not figured out that if you use sacred geometry to configure your mind, you are aligning with the real laws of the Universe.
Our big jump as a species is to jump away from man made bullshit, and to get in touch with Reality.
So how much does your mental model of the world match Reality?
How much do you use number and color to organize your pattern mind?
To a species trapped in glamor on the emotional plane these questions are gobbily gook. Most people are trapped in their emotional attachments to the stories they parrot to explain their meaningless existence.
Our society has taken the real beauty of life away and replaced it with a transactional assessment of value. Great if you are a billionaire parasite, sucks if you are wage slave. So the answer is a mental model you can then use to bring meaning and value back into your life. You need to be the main character in a true story of your own spiritual evolution. Everything else is bullshit.
So how to do so? The mind is a great servant but a terrible master. You have to develop self- disciple and not let your emotions rule you. Let your feelings fuel your story.
Let your life become a story you create everyday. And share it with others. That's the power of a good mental model. You have the same language reference point to share meaning and value with the other characters of your story.
Now that's exciting. Why? Because you now have control over your interpretation of reality. A true spiritual warrior has an awakened inner authority. You determine what has meaning and value for you.
So what has true value?
The loyalty of a good ally is priceless. No dollar amount can be given to it. Did Sam get a wage from Frodo? How much could you pay someone to get Sam's loyalty? You couldn't. True heroes have higher aims of service that drive their story. Not because of pieces of paper that are easily stolen, destroyed, or made worthless because of parasitic banking policies.
What is your code of honor? How is it linked to your mental model? How do you choose your values in your code of honor? How do these values link to real time remedies?
Your integrity is how true you hold to your code of honor.
If you betray a friend to attain some trinket or some lustful attainment, you lose honor. You lose self respect. You lose the trust of a friend which is infinitely more valuable. And why do you do so?
Because our society doesn't value honor. Our society continually shows immoral practices, from leaders, from institutions and the stories the media plays for us. All we see are criminals being rewarded with riches for horrible behaviors.
No real remedies there.
So once we have our mental model and the self discipline to follow and use it...what then? You have to take true responsibility for the structures you create that make the remedies possible. You have to move from the internal mental world out into the real physical world. Remedies are easy to see if your mental model is an accurate representation of Reality. The solution is already out there. Nature wants harmony. Nature wants balance.
You have to take into account Nature which is Reality.
We are so out of balance with Nature and that is where most of our problems come from. Our mental models are all about exploitation and taking.
True transformation comes when we honor Nature, when we have true reverence for the being that gives us life. We have to stop the parasitic mentality that is in all of as a result of our transactional value system.
When we take true responsibility for the structures we create, we align with life. For we are life. We are a part of this magnificent existence.
To see ourselves as stewards rather than managers. As givers rather than takers. As part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
The First Nations worldview has these as principles that kept the water pure and the air clean. And for that it was attacked. It needs to be honored. The true remedies are held within the wisdom of their elders.
What seems so obvious once you leave the parasitic mindset, is rocket science to those who have never left the collective conditioning we all grew up in.
Some never let it in and kept their Spirit. But most succumbed and if you never Awaken, or truly work on yourself, you are trapped in a thinking that is not only killing the world, but limiting your own ability to live a real life.
Take responsibility for every part of your life. Take responsibility for your impact on the world. Take responsibility for your own development.
Then you will see the remedies to any situation. Then you will be a master of your domain. A master of the structures that you create.


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